
Stripe Vs Rapyd: The Ultimate Payment Gateway Battle 2022

Payment gateways are an important part of any e-commerce platform. They allow you to connect with your customers and accept payments, but how do you choose between them? 

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution. You need to consider your needs, what features and integrations are available, and how much they cost. 

In this Stripe VS Rapyd comparison, we’ll look at two of the most popular payment gateways on the market today and see how they stack up against each other.

Price and Fees

The price and fees of each payment gateway are one of the most important factors that you should consider when choosing a payment processor. If a merchant has to pay a flat fee on every successful charge, then it’s not worth their time to use Stripe or Rapyd because they will be paying more than twice as much money in commissions and fees over time.

Both Stripe and Rapyd charge a flat fee per transaction, which is currently at 2.9% + $0.30 USD (with no minimum fee). However, this can change depending on the country where your business is based.

The good news for merchants who use Stripe or Rapyd is that there are no monthly charges associated with using this service. 

Instead, merchants only need to pay two rates: one for each charge made by your customers (2.9% + $0.30), which totals 3%, plus another rate per transaction that varies from merchant to merchant depending on how much volume they generate through their website or app (e-commerce sites tend to see higher prices).

Features and Services.

Stripe has more features, such as a mobile app and a suite of APIs. Rapyd has a simpler interface and fewer features but is also easier to use if you don’t need all the bells and whistles. If your business deals with complicated payment needs, Stripe may be better for you because it offers more customization options, and it’s much cheaper than Rapyd (which charges $0 each time someone pays).

Rapyd does have several advantages over Stripe: It doesn’t require merchants to pay monthly fees or maintain any integration in their business’ back office systems; it’s simpler to use; it provides faster approvals on transactions, and its reporting tools give you insight into which customers are buying what products during each sale cycle so that they can be targeted by marketing campaigns based on their specific preferences.

Checkout Process

In our experience, Stripe has a simple checkout process. They allow you to add your payment details and then it’s just a matter of saving the card info (and address) in the app. Once that’s done, all you have to do is click “Submit Payment” and wait for them to approve your order.

The Rapyd checkout process was also pretty simple, you can add your card info and then choose whether or not you want to store it when paying online. If so, enter an email address where they can send confirmation messages; otherwise skip this step if not storing information is important for avoiding fraud or keeping track of recurring payments made with the same card number over time (like subscriptions). After adding payment details once again (or skipping this step altogether), simply hit submit until checkout time comes around!

International Payment Support

Stripe has the most international support, but Rapyd is also pretty good.

Stripe supports payments in more than 135 countries and currencies, so you don’t have to worry about your customers getting charged a high fee for their payments. 

It also supports multiple languages (including Spanish), which makes it easy for anyone who wants to use Stripe’s services.

Rapyd only supports payments in 100 countries, but it does have wider support for different types of payments (like credit cards) than other gateways do.

Security Standards

Both Stripe and Rapyd are PCI compliant, meaning they take security seriously. They use the latest in data encryption technology to protect your customer data, making it nearly impossible for hackers to steal personal information from your website or app.

Both Stripe and Rapyd have a dedicated security team that works around the clock to monitor new threats and make sure you’re always secure.

Stripe also has strict privacy policies, which means that if there’s any possibility of user information being leaked or misused by either company, the consequences could be severe!

Global Reachability

Stripe is a global payment platform that allows you to accept payments from customers in over 135 countries. On the other hand, Rapyd is available in over 100 countries and has a strong presence in the UK and Europe as well as Africa.

This means that if you’re planning to expand your business internationally, Stripe and Rapyd are both great options. However, if you’re only looking for a payment processor that’s available in the UK and European countries, then Rapyd is probably more suitable because it has a stronger presence in these markets.

Customer Support

Stripe and Rapyd are both great companies, but they do have some differences.

Stripe is renowned for its customer support team, which is one of the best in the industry. They’re incredibly quick to respond to questions and concerns, usually within minutes or hours (if not seconds). 

They also have a very friendly and helpful staff. They seem to genuinely care about your business and want to help you succeed. Rapyd has a customer support team, but they aren’t as accessible or responsive as Stripe’s.

Rapyd also has excellent customer support, but not quite as fast as Stripe. They usually respond within 24 hours, which is still very fast! Stripe also has a better knowledge base and more documentation available on its website than Rapyd does.

Stripe VS Rapyd. Who’s the Winner?

Stripe and Rapyd are two of the most popular payment gateways in the market. Both have their own pros and cons, but which one is best?

Stripe is a great gateway for startups that need to accept credit card payments quickly. It’s easy to use, has excellent customer support, and can be integrated into your website or mobile application. However, it’s slightly more expensive than Rapyd (but still cheaper than many other options).

Rapyd is also a good option if you’re looking for an affordable gateway that works well with small businesses, you won’t have any trouble getting started with this mobile-friendly service! 

However, if your business requires advanced features like fraud protection or recurring billing then we recommend trying out Stripe. It is a popular, well-known gateway that has excellent customer support and reliability.

It’s also quite expensive but offers a number of great features like recurring billing, fraud protection, and more advanced reporting options.

What Factors to Consider when Choosing a Payment Gateway Provider?

Choosing a payment gateway provider can be very challenging, especially when you have to choose between various options. The best way to find the right one is by having all of your needs met with one provider. This article will help you understand how to do just that.

Reasonable Pricing

The pricing of a payment gateway provider is one of the most important factors to consider when choosing one. The reason for this is that you need to ensure that your online business can afford their services, which means that they should be reasonable and competitive in terms of pricing.

It’s also important that you get all charges included in their monthly fees so there are no surprises later on down the line when it comes time for renewal or installation of additional features like recurring billing or support tickets handled by them instead of your own staff (which can easily be done).

It’s also important for providers not only to communicate their pricing clearly before signing up but also keep it consistent throughout each year so customers don’t end up paying more than necessary because of hidden fees or the like.


When choosing a payment gateway provider, security is one of the most important factors to consider. Your customer’s data is at stake and you need to ensure that they are protected from fraudsters or other cyber criminals.

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is an international standard for protecting cardholder data in transit and at rest. It requires organizations that process credit cards on behalf of merchants or clients to be PCI compliant.

This means they must have a secure payment processing solution in place so customers’ sensitive information cannot be stolen during transactions through their website or mobile app because it could lead them into identity theft if hackers gain access into their systems. It is managed by the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council and it has become an industry standard for payment data security. It covers all aspects of securing payment card data, from transmission to storage.

Payment Methods Supported

The first thing you’ll want to check when choosing a payment gateway provider is how many different payment methods they support. This can be important because it will help you decide which option is best for your business and its customers.

For example, if you have an online store that accepts credit cards, debit cards and ACH payments then it’s important that the gateway provider supports all three types of transactions at once. If not, it may make more sense in some cases to choose another provider who does offer this type of support.

Another thing worth considering is how many countries the provider supports, this will help determine whether or not there are any restrictions on where customers can use their card numbers from in order to pay. If you have customers around the world who want to use their credit card to pay for your products or services, then it’s important that your gateway provider supports a good range of countries (ideally all major ones).


Reliability is the ability of a payment gateway to process transactions accurately and on time. Reliability is also the ability of a payment gateway to process transactions securely.

In the world of credit card processing, reliability is extremely important. If a business’s payment gateway is unreliable, it can cause a lot of problems for both the merchant and their customers. For example: if an order is processed but not delivered due to faulty equipment or software, it could result in unhappy customers and lost revenue.

It is also very important for the merchant because it can affect their business in a number of ways. If a payment gateway is unreliable, it could result in unhappy customers and lost revenue. If a customer receives an error message when they try to process their credit card payment, they may choose not to place an order with that business again.

Integration Capabilities

When it comes to payment gateway integration, the main thing that you should consider is how easy it is to integrate with your ecommerce platform. Does the gateway support all of the payment methods that you need? Can you integrate with your existing systems?

If this sounds like something that will be an issue for you, then make sure to check the integration capabilities of your provider. You may need to look at a more complex solution if you have particular requirements, but in general it should be possible to find a gateway that integrates well with most ecommerce platforms.

Customer Support

When it comes to customer support, you need a payment gateway provider who can offer you 24/7/365 support. This means that if you ever have any questions or issues with your account, they should be able to help you out as soon as possible. If a customer has an issue with their account, they need someone who can respond quickly and efficiently.

There are many different ways for companies to communicate with customers when things go wrong: email, phone calls and live chat all work well but only one thing is truly effective at solving problems fast: video chat! Video chat allows businesses to talk directly face-to-face without having any long waits before getting through on the phone line (or even worse – waiting days!).


So, which one should you go for? It depends on your requirements. Both Stripe and Rapyd are great and have their own pros and cons. So, it is important to keep all the factors in mind while choosing one of these two services over the other.

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